Liron Faybish
Liron is a Data Scientist at PayPal for more than 5 years. She works for the cyber security threat oversight team in the information security organization. Her focus is finding machine learning solutions for information security problems in general and specifically for insider frauds threats.
Liron holds a Msc in software and information systems engineering. In her thesis she researched the field of user verification on mobile devices using sequences of touch gestures. The full paper of this thesis was published at PAKDD 2018 conference, and also she published an extended abstract of this research in UMAP 2017 conference.
![The speaker's profile picture](/media/avatars/A66I5618_ykLBFmr.jpg)
What if I told you every-day recommendation systems can be utilized to detect unwanted behaviors? Now, what if I told you they can also be harnessed to prevent internal security violations in organizations? Well, It’s happening. Kind of neat, right?